Convenient Life Enterprises, LLC or CL Enterprises or CLE, is a Private owned company based in Memphis, TN. We have been in business under our present name since 2006. Prior to this we were known as Lyon Sales Company. Lyon Sales was in the wholesale distribution business for over 40 years. The company still has a wholesale division but we have branched out into several retail "niche" markets to gain more exposure. Hammocks Inc. is one of those expansions. Our philosophy is simple, we want to turn customers into friends. We have always striven to give our customers the best service at the most reasonable prices. 

Hammocks Inc. is one more example of how our company is determined to offer diverse, quality merchandise to you. We hope you will give us a chance to prove ourselves with every sale. Thank you for stopping by and we hope you will come back again.

Hammocks Inc. staff

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